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Kawartha Lakes Municipal Event Application

The municipality of Kawartha Lakes appreciates the importance of special events in enhancing the quality of life, tourism, culture, recreation and education and in providing economic benefits to the local economy.

The Municipal Event Application is intended to act as a strategic resource for individuals hosting an event within Kawartha Lakes.

It is strongly advised that event organizers review the Kawartha Lakes Municipal Event Application Reference Guide prior to completion of a Municipal Event Application. View the Reference Guide online or contact us to obtain a copy by e-mailing: or by calling 705-324-9411 extension 1306.

Event organizers will be required to complete a Municipal Event Application if:

a) They wish to hold their event on any outdoor property owned or operated by the municipality of Kawartha Lakes.

This includes:

  • Parks/Open Spaces
  • Roads/Road Allowances
  • Municipal Parking Lots
  • Walkways, Pathways and Trails
  • Waterfront areas and/or beaches

AND, if the event includes any of the following:

  • Alcohol sale or service to the general public
  • Pyrotechnics or Fireworks
  • Food that will be sold or given to the general public
  • Sound amplification - including amplified live or recorded music
  • Open fire/flame-producing devices or appliances
  • Tents (>60 m²) that possibly could require Building Permits/Fire Safety Plans
  • Stages (>225 m²) that possibly could require Building Permits/Fire Safety Plans
  • Amusement rides or inflatables
  • Projected attendance of over 350 people per day


b) The event is being hosted on private property, but will have a significant impact on municipal services. The municipality may request the completion of a Municipal Event Application if the event significantly affects municipal services. Affected services may include, but are not limited to, Fire Services, Police Services, Public Works, Emergency Services etc.


c) The event is taking place inside a municipal facility and it has been requested by staff to complete a Municipal Event Application.

For further information regarding the Municipal Event Application event criteria and procedure please refer to the Kawartha Lakes Municipal Event Application Reference Guide, or contact the Kawartha Lakes Parks and Recreation Division at 705-324-9411 extension 1306 or e-mail: 

Contact Information:

Event Information:

Event Details:


Animals for Entertainment

Booking Municipal Facilities

If your event is taking place on Municipal property, have you booked the venue(s) through the Kawartha Lakes Facility Booking Office?


Food and Beverage

Will your event be serving/selling alcohol?

Gaming - Lottery, Raffles, Draws and Fundraisers

Inflatables and Amusement Rides

Will your event include any Inflatables, Bouncy Castles or Amusement Rides?

Digging, Staking and Fencing

Waste Management

Note: we require waste to be sorted according to City of Kawartha Lakes By-law 2016-144, Section 4.00-4.08. For further information or assistance please contact the Waste Management Division at 705-324-9411 or visit

Please describe your plan for clean up/removal/disposal of garbage and recyclables during and after your event.

Portable Washrooms and Hand Washing Stations

Road Closures

Policing and Security

Does your event require Police for any of the following? (additional costs will apply)
Please select the option which bests describes your event security plan:

Amplified Sound



Emergency Services

Will your event require Public Access Defibrillators?

Temporary Structures

Will your event have any temporary structures including the following:


Event Promotion:

Which mediums do you intend on using to promote your event? (select all that apply)

Insurance Requirements:

Proof of insurance coverage is required for all events taking place on City of Kawartha Lakes property. Insurance coverage is necessary in order to protect yourself, and the City against any possible litigation (lawsuits) as a result of your event.

Every applicant shall obtain Commercial General Liability insurance and maintain the policy throughout the term of this agreement with the City and/or venue owner including, but not limited to, bodily injury including death, personal injury, property damage including a loss of use thereof, contractual liability, liquor liability (if applicable) and contain a cross liability/severability of interest clause against claims arising out of the event or any act or omission on the part of the applicant or any of his or her servants or agents.

Please ensure that:       

  • The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be with an insurance company acceptable to the City and with limits in the amount not less than $2,000,000.00 per occurrence.                   
  • NOTE: Events where alcohol is permitted require Commercial General Liability insurance in the amount not less than $5,000,000.00 per occurrence and liquor liability coverage must be noted on the Certificate of Insurance with full policy limits;           
  • The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes shall be named as an additional insured on any such policy;
  • Unless otherwise specified, the terms of the insurance shall be from the day of the commencement of event set-up or assembly for the event until the completion of all related activities;
  • The policy shall be endorsed to provide that the policy shall not be altered, cancelled or allowed to lapse without 30 days written notice to the City;
  • A description of the event, including the name and date of the event must be present on the Certificate of Insurance;
  • Applicants are required to submit a Certificate of Insurance from their insurer confirming that the insurance coverages held by the applicant are in accordance with the City’s requirements at least 14 days prior to their event.

If applicable, the applicant shall provide confirmation of Automobile Liability Insurance in the amount not less than $2,000,000.00 through the term of this agreement covering all owned, leased and non-owned automobiles used in connection with the activities of the special event.

The City reserves the right to require the applicant to provide and maintain a higher limit of liability insurance or additional insurance coverage(s) depending on the event specific details.

The applicant must provide a copy of their Certificate of Insurance to the City’s Facility Booking Office (for events taking place on municipal property) a minimum of 14 days prior to the event. 

Event Insurance requirements taking place on Municipal Property are handled by the City of Kawartha Lakes Insurance Risk Management Coordinator in conjunction with the City of Kawartha Lakes Parks, Recreation and Culture Division Facility Booking Office.

In circumstances that the event, or a portion of the event is deemed high risk by the City, additional safety precautions will be mandated. The event will be reviewed by the City Risk Management Staff and other members of the Municipal Event Application group to determine insurance requirements, and additional precautions necessary for public safety.

Examples of Events/Activities deemed high risk include but are not limited to:

  • Pony Rides
  • Bouncy Castles
  • Dunk Tanks
  • Mechanical Bulls
  • Hot Air Balloon Rides
  • Paint Ball

The City reserves the right to deny any application if deemed a risk to public safety.

Certificate of Insurance attached?

Event Site Plan:

A detailed Event Site Plan must be included with your completed Municipal Event Application. The Event Site Plan is a key document for staff to review the event organizer’s plans, and ensure that the layout of licensed areas, tents/stages and other activities comply with approved uses for municipal property.

Event Site Plans should be to scale and should they be relevant, must included the following:

  • The north direction;
  • Direction of travel – if event is a parade, race, walk etc.
  • Names of adjacent avenues, streets and roads;
  • Access and Egress Points (pedestrian, vehicular, emergency access)
  • Licensed areas, if applicable;
  • Location of all temporary or fixed event facilities, including stages, seating (bleachers), platforms, trailers, tents, amusement rides. (including dimensions when possible);
  • Location of barricades and road closures (road, parking etc.)
  • Location of permanent and temporary washroom facilities/hand washing stations;
  • Emergency exits;
  • Identification of any hazardous/combustible materials (i.e. fuel storage, propane etc.) and fire extinguishers
  • Location of Command Post or office, medical and First Aid Station
  • Location of any fences, poles or ground stakes
  • Location of Security Controls;
  • Location of waste diversion sites;
  • Areas for food and water;
  • Location(s) of Vendor(s);
  • Generators and other electrical sources;

Events taking place on the municipal trail system should prepare their Event Site Plan utilizing Google Maps, and should include the proposed route in writing as well.

If you are requesting a section of a municipal parking lot, or on-street parking spaces be blocked off for your event, please indicate this in your Event Site Plan description.

If the Event Site Plan is not submitted with the completed Municipal Event Application, the application will not be distributed for consideration.

Any changes to the originally submitted Event Site Plan must be communicated with municipal staff immediately. 

A site visit with municipal staff may be required based upon the submitted Event Site Plan.


Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

Hold Harmless Agreement:

The applicant agrees that it shall at all times indemnify and save harmless, the Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes, its employees, agents, and Members of Council, from and against all actions, suits, claims and demands of any nature or kind made by, or on behalf of any person or persons which the applicant or those for whom the applicant is law responsible, may bear or be held responsible for any injury and/or damage arising out of, or incidental to the event, the granting of the permit or the use of the City of Kawartha Lakes property or facilties.


Personal information contained in this form is collected pursuant to The Municipal Act, 2001 and will be used for the purpose of responding to your request. Questions about the collection of this information should be directed to the City Clerk or Deputy-Clerk at 705-324-9411 extension 1295 or 1322

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