Insurance Requirements:
Proof of insurance coverage is required for all events taking place on City of Kawartha Lakes property. Insurance coverage is necessary in order to protect yourself, and the City against any possible litigation (lawsuits) as a result of your event.
Every applicant shall obtain Commercial General Liability insurance and maintain the policy throughout the term of this agreement with the City and/or venue owner including, but not limited to, bodily injury including death, personal injury, property damage including a loss of use thereof, contractual liability, liquor liability (if applicable) and contain a cross liability/severability of interest clause against claims arising out of the event or any act or omission on the part of the applicant or any of his or her servants or agents.
Please ensure that:
- The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be with an insurance company acceptable to the City and with limits in the amount not less than $2,000,000.00 per occurrence.
- NOTE: Events where alcohol is permitted require Commercial General Liability insurance in the amount not less than $5,000,000.00 per occurrence and liquor liability coverage must be noted on the Certificate of Insurance with full policy limits;
- The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes shall be named as an additional insured on any such policy;
- Unless otherwise specified, the terms of the insurance shall be from the day of the commencement of event set-up or assembly for the event until the completion of all related activities;
- The policy shall be endorsed to provide that the policy shall not be altered, cancelled or allowed to lapse without 30 days written notice to the City;
- A description of the event, including the name and date of the event must be present on the Certificate of Insurance;
- Applicants are required to submit a Certificate of Insurance from their insurer confirming that the insurance coverages held by the applicant are in accordance with the City’s requirements at least 14 days prior to their event.
If applicable, the applicant shall provide confirmation of Automobile Liability Insurance in the amount not less than $2,000,000.00 through the term of this agreement covering all owned, leased and non-owned automobiles used in connection with the activities of the special event.
The City reserves the right to require the applicant to provide and maintain a higher limit of liability insurance or additional insurance coverage(s) depending on the event specific details.
The applicant must provide a copy of their Certificate of Insurance to the City’s Facility Booking Office (for events taking place on municipal property) a minimum of 14 days prior to the event.
Event Insurance requirements taking place on Municipal Property are handled by the City of Kawartha Lakes Insurance Risk Management Coordinator in conjunction with the City of Kawartha Lakes Parks, Recreation and Culture Division Facility Booking Office.
In circumstances that the event, or a portion of the event is deemed high risk by the City, additional safety precautions will be mandated. The event will be reviewed by the City Risk Management Staff and other members of the Municipal Event Application group to determine insurance requirements, and additional precautions necessary for public safety.
Examples of Events/Activities deemed high risk include but are not limited to:
- Pony Rides
- Bouncy Castles
- Dunk Tanks
- Mechanical Bulls
- Hot Air Balloon Rides
- Paint Ball
The City reserves the right to deny any application if deemed a risk to public safety.