Thank you for visiting, the location of this form has changed.
As of Monday June 3, 2024, this form is now only available in Permit Central.
The following five applications are available:
- Event in Right-of-Way (previously - Road Occupancy or Road Closure Permit)
- Work in Right-of-Way (previously - Road Occupancy or Road Closure Permit)
- Entrance Permit
- Oversize/Overweight Load Annual Permit (Moving Oversize Loads Permit)
- Oversize/Overweight Load Trip Permit (Moving Oversize Loads (Single Trip) or Reduced Load Exemption Permit)
The first step for using Permit Central is to create an account. Once you have an account, you’ll be able to log into the system and start filling out your applications.
Check out the Permit Central How to Guide for more information on how to sign up and use the portal. If you need help while applying for permits, read the Permit Central How to Guide for Roads Operations Permits. If you need assistance creating a Permit Central account, please contact Roads Operations at 705-324-9411 extension 1171.
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