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Development Services Building & Septic Division
180 Kent Street West
Lindsay ON K9V 2Y6
Telelephone: 705-324-9411 extension 1288
Fax: 705-324-5514

Applicable Law Checklist

Applicable Law is other regulations for which approval must be obtained before a building permit can be issued. A complete list of Act and Regulations that are "Applicable Law" is set out in article of Division A of the Ontario Building Code.

This form is not submitted electronically. A PDF will be emailed to the email provided. Please print and sign that copy and submit with your permit application package.

The most common Acts and Regulations are listed below with the documentation that must be provided before a building permit can be issued. Check YES to those that apply to your permit application and complete the declaration section at the bottom of the form. The relevant documents noted must be provided before a building permit can be issued.

A list of agencies and contact information is available on the City website at and navigate to My Property page and Living Here then choose the Building Permits accordion and Forms, Applications and Information Sheets.

Is/was a minor variance required to permit the proposed construction or land use?
Is/was a rezoning required to permit the proposed construction or land use?
Is a land division or subdivision required and not yet fully completed?
Are municipal services required and not yet fully completed?
Does this development require site plan approval from the Planning Division?
Is the building designated or in the process of being designated under the Ontario Heritage Act?
Is the property located in a heritage district or study area?
Are you demolishing a building that is listed on the City's Heritage Registry?
Is the property located within a regulated area (i.e.abutting a ravine, watercourse, wetland or shoreline)?
Is the property within 45m of a highway or 180m from any highway intersection?
Is the property within 395m of a controlled highway intersection?
Is this a major traffic generating project located within 800m of a highway?
Is a record of site condition (RSC) required to be filed due to a change to more sensitive land use?
Is this property a former waste disposal site or former industrial site?
Is this project a major industrial, commercial or government project?
Is this a renewable energy project?
Are any overhead power lines located either above or within 5.5m of the project?
Is the property located within a Source Water Protection regulated area?
Is this a farm building that will house animals or manure?
Is this a milk processing plant?
Is a daycare proposed in any part of the building?
Does the project involve the demolition of a school?
Is this a seniors project where Ontario Government funding is being sought?

Applicant's Declaration

I have considered the list of applicable laws above and as described in Aritcle of Division A of the Ontario Building Code and do hereby declare that:

The information provided on this form is true to the best of my knowledge. I have authority to act on behalf of the owner, corporation or partnership with respect to this application (if applicable).

For more information on filing applications or making payments please visit the City website at and navigate to My Property page and Living Here.

Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001 and will be used for the purpose of responding to your request. Questions about the collection of this information should be directed to the City Clerk or Deputy-Clerk at

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