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Code of Conduct Formal Complaint Form

City of Kawartha Lakes
City Clerk's Office
26 Francis Street, PO Box 9000
Lindsay, ON  K9V 5R8

Note: All complaints of a breach of the Code of Conduct must be submitted within six (6) weeks of the Complainant becoming aware of the alleged contravention, an no more than six (6) months after the alleged violation. All complaints of a breach of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act must be submitted within six (6) weeks of the Complainant become aware of the alleged contravention. Special rules apply in the event of an election. See Appendix "A" and Appendix "B" to the Code for details.

Part 1: Your Information

Part 2: Complaint Information

My Complaint is Regarding a Member of:

Part 3: Description of Alleged Contravention

In the field that follows below, describe the contravention(s) that are alleged to have occurred and why you believe the Member has contravened the "Code" or "MCIA" with specific reference to the applicable "Code" or "MCIA" section. Include any relevant documents in your possession and identify any relevant witnesses and documents not in your possession. (attach additional pages if more space is required.

Part 4: Submission

By signing and submitting this Form, you declare that you have reasonable and probable grounds to believe a contravention of the Code of Conduct for Members of Council and Local Boards and/or the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act has occurred and are requesting the Integrity Commissioner to conduct an inquiry, and that all of the information contained on this Form is true to the best of your knowledge and belief.

Furthermore, you hereby declare that you became aware of the alleged contravention(s) not more than six (6) weeks before the date of this application.

This Form may be submitted to the Integrity Commissioner by email to (preferred) or by mail to:

Charles Harnick
c/o ADR Chambers
2001 Sheppard Ave East
Suite 200
North York, Ontario M2J 4Z8

The personal information is being collected by the City of Kawartha Lakes for the principal purpose of a request to make a deputation to Committee or Council pursuant to the City's procedural by-law.  This information, including all attachments submitted may be circulated to members of Council, staff, the general public and posted on the City website.  Questions about the collection of this information should be directed to the City Clerk or Deputy Clerk at



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