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Application to Join a Board or Committee


Application for Citizen Appointment to a Board or Committee of Council
City of Kawartha Lakes
City Clerk's Office
26 Francis Street, PO Box 9000
Lindsay, Ontario  K9V 5R8

Note: Please complete this Application in its entirety.  Should this Application not be fully completed, the City reserves the right to reject the Application.  In addition, the provision of any false or misleading information on this Application will be sufficient reason for the City to reject the Application or to terminate an appointment.
Please submit the completed Application to:
The City of Kawartha Lakes
26 Francis Street, P.O. Box 9000
Lindsay, Ontario  K9V 5R8
Attention: City Clerk's Office
Fax: 705-324-8110
Telephone: 705-324-9411
Check all that apply to you:
Do you currently sit on a City Committee, Board or Task Force?
Have you sat on a City Committee, Board or Task Force in the past?
Are you applying concurrently to any other Position, City Committee, Board or Task Force?
I acknowledge and agree to complete any and all mandatory training programs that are imposed by The City of Kawartha Lakes if I become a member of a Board, Advisory Committee of Council or Task Force.

Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

In the fields below please list the name and contact phone number for your references.  By applying your signature to this application, you authorize the City of Kawartha Lakes to contact the following persons or organizations and authorize them to disclose to the City any required information.

Applicant's Signature:


Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to The Municipal Act, 2001, and will be used for the purpose of responding to your request.  Questions about the collection of this information should be directed to the City Clerk or Deputy Clerk at



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